Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Astral Projection

Technorati Profile

feenx - whereIstand.com

Have you had any success astral projecting? If so, what has been your experience(s) with it?



A step on the path of enlightenment
Current mood: frustrated

You people sicken me.
My pity now turned to scorn
Staring at a flock of people
Blindly following an unknown shepherd

Paralyzed by fear
You take each breath
Terrified to exhale
Disturbing the precious sandbox you stick your head in

Arrogant in your sciences
Assured of your superiority
You rely on technology
Never looking beyond the formula you calculate

You proselytize
You evangelize
Exclaiming disgust for your world
Blaming the devil for the actions of humans

Screaming for a world of love
While you incessantly judge your fellow man

Always quick to quote the ancients
"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things"

Yet the words pass through your lips
Black and lifeless

Your hearts scarred
Centuries of desensitizing
Humanity destroying itself
One holy quest at a time

Ever the ashamed and humble child
Bowing to a God you claim to know
Yet only by your actions can you attain approval
Your infantile mentality poisoning you

A world in chaos
Like a ruby cube
Separated by little
Divided by much

You are your own enigma
Seeking to understand yourself
Never acknowledging
The human cycle you inevitably repeat

Your impatience
And it's addiction to instant gratification
A drug in your mind
As you yearn for a solution to your self inflicted disarray

Never stopping to think
The hand of self-obsession
You placed in your face
Has blinded you to the reality coming

When you finally see it
It will be too late

Monday, June 9, 2008

Spiritual and Religious Beliefs


Recently a good friend and I got on the topic of religious and spiritual beliefs. She had recently “fallen away” from the beliefs she was raised with, non denominational Christianity. I asked what she believes now, here’s her reply:

I'm still in a holding pattern as far as my beliefs. I would like to think there is something bigger out there and sometimes well alot of times I send a prayer out because it does give me a peace of mind. It's almost like I give the worry away by sending it out in a prayer. and I believe it is important to love all people no matter your differences. Kindness of heart and humility. I am always on a path of growth and recognize that others are to. I try in every situation to handle in a good way, in a loving way. I try to be more conscious of Mother earth and recycle. So I guess those are some of my main beliefs. I guess more rules to live by. But I don't define my spirituality by a denomination. I enjoy reading about Buhdda and his lessons because I feel they hold the true meaning of love and not judgement. I dunno.

What do you believe?

My beliefs were not summed up so briefly, and still felt that I had not yet scratched the surface. Perhaps I need to work on being a bit more brief. Here is my reply:

Well I believe that there is a higher power, however as humans in this existence we have not come to a place to know this higher power and develop the relationship that most label as a relationship with God. What humans feel that they equate that with is a spiritual relationship with themselves, and the rest of humanity.

I believe we, as a human race, are all connected. It is essentially like a switchboard, that though we all have our individual buttons, we are all connected the same. As such, we have the choice whether to connect to what is beyond that switchboard, or to each other. Some choose to do, some don’t.

I believe that what people feel as spirituality, when they have that innate sense within them that feel is the hand of God, it is actually the divine within themselves, and the connection with others that they are feeling. Based on Jesus’ teachings, same with Buddha just different cultures (in fact there are many that hold that Jesus and Buddha were essentially the same type of beings, those that had completed their path) the gnostics taught that what Jesus was referring to was actually to open and get in touch with that piece of divine in all of us, and that doing so would bring gnosis (knowledge). That knowledge then leads to further enlightenment as you begin a relationship, of sorts, with your higher self. Imagine human spirituality as an onion. The Sunday churchgoers and “Jesus saves” enthusiasts, spiritually speaking, are in the kitchen chopping onions. When their eyes water they equate that to being touched by Jesus or God. In reality that is simply the first layer, and if they choose to keep peeling away those layers what they would eventually find at the core...is themselves.

The potential once this core is found is limitless. Human potential is beyond what even so called experts can fathom. We use a fraction of our brains, in comparison to the universe and the earth itself, humans are infantile. One of the biggest downfalls of humans is their arrogance.

George Lucas made a wonderful point about this in an interview I recently saw. He said if you take human progression and put it on a scale, from the earliest humans to now, he equated it at starting from 1, until now being at say about 5. People look back and see all the progress made and feel good about themselves at much of a higher being they are now, that much closer to 10. Except...the scale goes to a million.

Lucas said that the “cave men” thought they knew it all. When that wheel was invented well then that was all they needed. Humans now think they know it all.

I feel that people look back and see the steps they’ve taken, and because the steps are so far beyond what earlier man could’ve imagined, well than that must mean humans are getting close to their full potential. What is a human full potential? No one knows. We let our minds settle on what is a full potential simply because someone tells us that’s as far as we can go, or because no one has gone any farther. Both of which are futile arguments.

E.g. Christopher Columbus. The entire world, including all of it’s best minds, KNEW the earth was flat.
E.g. The Earth. Years ago, humans KNEW the Earth was the center of the universe.
E.g. Science. Years ago scienctists KNEW there was only three dimensions. Now they’ve discovered what, upwards of 11 I believe.

So why are humans so stubborn to keep believing that this current form, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual is the best they can accomplish? Well...because they’re humans. And as much potential as there is, right now that’s all it is, potential.

I believe there will come a time when the current way of operating will no longer work. That a change in how humanity operates will be forced, whether it’s wanted or not. Many will be receptive to this. And many wont.

Those who are receptive of this will begin to, or continue to peel away those onion layers. As they humans as a whole will begin to change, and with that change will come better understanding, better knowledge, and true enlightenment.

Once that happens, call it what you want, nirvana, nothingness, a spirit life....whatever label you want. But certainly not the end of existence. In fact, I would venture to say that humans understanding of say nirvana will be completely different at that point.

The way I see it, right now humans are looking for a diploma thinking they’re about to graduate, and they merely just got out of kindergarten. They are looking to answer questions, such as why am I here, what is my purpose, where do we go when we die, is there a supreme, divine, authority in the universe...all of which are excellent and valid questions. But they’re asking them with the physical and spiritual minds of a kindergartner. They are neither ready nor willing to yet accept the reality of the cosmos, which they are a part of.

I believe, in short, that in time that will change. And the definitions of “faith” and “beliefs” will be re-written.

So you asked me what I believe in. I believe in me. I believe in you. I believe in the collective, and the energy it maintains. And because it’s a collective and not a single unit, that means choice.

So I believe in my choice, and I believe in your choice.

I would like to open up a discussion about each individuals beliefs. What are they, and why?

Friday, June 6, 2008


Greetings! I have now been legally ordained. This means I am able to perform weddings, baptisms, last rights etc. I also now have the ability to start my own church, however there are no plans as of yet to do this.

More information to come as to the application and use of this ordainment.

Lovingly, feenx
~ May your feet continue to step forward on your path ~

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Question from reader: Religious wedding?

Greetings! This question was emailed to feenx files. See the question and my reply below, and please be encouraged to respond to this reader.

From B.D.:
Just wanted to through this question out there into the vast abyss of people with prior knowledge and or experience. I am recently engaged with Wedding plans slow to start. In the back of my mind I know I do not want to get married in a place of worship because I have recently falled away from my original faith (basic Christianity). My Fiance used to be a Catholic but he too has fallen away from any organized religion. MY QUESTION IS..... Do we respect the religions our parents bestowed upon us (or pressed on us) by incorporating their religious ideas or should we just make it our time. I am voting for the latter of the two but am also not quite sure how to discuss the topic with our parents. Any suggestions?

feenx reply:
Dear B.D.,
That surely is quite an important decision to make. First I would say that it is a decision both you and your fiance should make together. Second I feel you both must ask yourselves, individually and as a soon to be family unit, what it is you most want to accomplish with your wedding ceremony.

Certainly there is the obvious motivation, a sacred event in which your friends and family can share in your pledge of life long love and support of each other. That being said, is not your wedding ceremony the first event, public at that, signifying the foundation you two have and continue to build in the lives you will now be sharing together?

It doesn't sound like either of you have qualms with having a non religious ceremony. So then it comes down to which is the greater need, pleasing family members at the cost of your personal wishes, or to mark this one time occasion and present forth to each other and all present a statement of your true relationship, perhaps at the cost of family preference. It may be possible to accomplish both of these items. Many weddings are essentially a family affair, why should only you or they compromise? Is it possible for you both to compromise?

Another item to keep in mind is that should you choose to compromise and appease your family with a religious ceremony, are their separate beliefs going to conflict? Is it possible that compromising could add yet another layer to the problem, thereby pitting the parents against each other in their own religious wishes leaving you stuck in the middle over a matter that you didn't want in the first place?

You must decide for yourselves where the line is drawn. This must be chosen prior to speaking with your families, and can only be decided upon once you have decided, for yourselves, what you want to accomplish with your ceremony.

Once this decision is made by the two of you, you can present a united family unit and together lovingly explain to both your families what those boundaries are. After you've done that the responsibility falls on you to maintain those boundaries. What your families choose to do with that information and your conviction is up to them, and not something in your control. You must accept this.

Keep reminding yourself that you are on a wonderful path full of love and exciting new experiences. Though there are plenty of places to get sidetracked, your focus can always remain on those two simple words, "I do," and what that means for you and your future. All the rest is simply details.

I hope these words have proved helpful.

Lovingly, feenx
~ May your feet continue to step forward on your path ~

Contact Me

As this blog begins there will many subjects that will come under discussion. I encourage any and all to email me with topic ideas, comments and statements they wish to be posted and of course questions or situations they seek feedback on.

email: feenx.files@gmail.com

feenx files: No subject is taboo...

This is the initial blog for what is to be called Feenx Files.

Greetings! I am feenx, a light worker (or you may use the term Indigo child). In my journey on the path of enlightenment more and more I find myself intrigued and eager to discuss topics that many consider taboo, are difficult to discuss but that yet bring us all closer together. There is nothing that we shouldn’t be able to discuss and share with each other.

My first thought and intention in starting this blog was three fold:
1. Create a place where there can be active and open discussion on spiritual and emotional matters. This can be anything from religious dogma, organized religion, self-spirituality, incarnations, The Grid, Over Souls, psychic and other abilities, Indigo and Crystal children/adults, trauma recovery (e.g. physical/sexual/mental abuse), mental disorders including/specifically Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D., formerly Multiple Personality Disorder, M.P.D.), family and romantic relationships, questions and advice.
2. To supply information for readers to do with as they wish. Many blogs on such topics have a tendency to present their information as fact. I present it as neither fact nor fiction, simply food for thought because ultimately YOU are the only one who can decide what is right for you and you alone.
3. Perhaps most important is the goal to invoke a flush of the senses. We all have a degree of curiosity, child like wonder, perhaps even a spiritual sense of the universe in which we live. Some are more tapped into this than others are, but every single human has questions, hopes and dreams about the vastness we are all connected to and a part of.

I feel that the combination of these three elements provides a fantastic aid to healing, enlightenment and growth. Openly discussing the topics described above helps us put our experiences into perspective while also giving those experiences a useful opportunity to help others. This by far is my utmost goal.
How though can this information help to heal? “Heal” is such a broad term. More specifically I feel the information we can present on this blog can inform, give comfort and hope, perhaps help you feel less alone and ultimately can help all of us on our journey to heal not only emotionally, but mentally and spiritually as well. A by product of this information can also enable healing in a religious manner. This by no means constitutes healing “spiritually,” as religion and spirituality are two separate things.
I firmly believe that spirituality is something different and unique for each individual, and not something a mere writer should inhibit or presume to be an authority on in any fashion.
In my opinion for anyone who comes from a highly religious (or other severe influential background), to enable healing one must look at themselves objectively, with honesty, rather than through the glasses religion forces you to wear. Doing so is essentially looking in the mirror while wearing a mask. There is only so much that can be discerned about oneself when there are limitations, definitions and restrictions about what “self” is from the very beginning.
Dictionary.com defines self as “a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality: one’s own self.”
Just like with any repair project, you must be taken apart before you can be put back together. It may only be one element or part of you, or it may be the entire system, but with those religious glasses removed, even if just temporarily, you facilitate yourself to heal more effectively.
Furthermore, it is not my intention to promote or denounce any emotional or spiritual state, personal morals, belief system, or religion.
When I first started speaking of and writing on such topics my parents, who are very dedicated Jehovah’s Witnesses, stated that it is likely my perspective of Jehovah’s Witnesses and organized religion as a whole is skewed, based on my childhood experiences. This could very well be true. However, that does not mean that my perspective is incorrect.
Just as someone who survives a brutal car accident is weary of driving, so am I a survivor of a brutal childhood environment, weary of abuse, religion and our collective mental status. As a society, do we become so accustomed to everyday dangers that we have in effect desensitized ourselves, and therefore do not realize the potential harm in our lives? Are everyone’s experiences with family and religion the same? No. Does the lack of a bad experience mean one’s environment was only good, and those who see things differently are simply misled by an anomaly in environment? I ask you to simply consider the information presented and decide for yourself.
We all are influenced in our thought and emotions by something, whether it’s religion, the Bible, philosophy, literature, democracy, capitalism, etc. However, when we take such influences at their word as being the one true and “right” course of action, especially when it affects how we live our daily lives, DAILY lives, we are turning our back on making a conscious decision.
This holds true in therapy, healing and spirituality. Before one can truly heal or grow, a decision must be made to do so. For some it’s a conscious decision. For others it’s an unconscious one. In fact, they may not realize they’ve made the decision to start their healing or spiritual journey until they find themselves on the road to recovery and growth and refuse to stop.
Whichever ones circumstance is we have all done the same thing, we’ve chosen to strive for emotional and spiritual health, regardless the consequences. No matter the change within us that may occur, the fear of the unknown or the discoveries of things buried deep inside our minds and hearts, we have all chosen to change.
With that conviction equals responsibility. We are truly responsible, perhaps for the first time ever, for ourselves. No more can we with a blind eye accept “life” and “happiness” or “unhappiness” with the definitions imposed on us by so-called higher powers. We are on our own path, some long, some short, but all of them for the betterment of self.
Without this conviction, the goal of truth for each of us, the world is essentially one big sandbox to stick your head in. There are many things to occupy you, but you’ll never know who it really is you’re occupying.
Therefore, the intention of this blog is for you to come away with a desire to truly heal, to grow or to continue on the path you’ve already started. My hope is that you feel a sense of accomplishment and much self love. We all deserve to be happy. Let me say that again, as it will be a focal point throughout. YOU DESERVE to be truly HAPPY.
What that happiness actually means is up to you.